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Conference: Reassessing the Franco-Prussian War 150 years on (6-7 May 2021)

This two-day conference, organised under the auspices of King’s College London’s Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War, in conjunction with the Embassy of France in the UK, seeks to interrogate the significance and legacies of some the key political, social, cultural, and military transformations brought about by this crucial turning point in both European and world history.

Full info/registration:

Thursday 6 May 2021

9.00 Opening remarks – Dr Michael Rowe, Reader in European History, King’s College London

9.30 Panel 1: Politics/Geopolitics of the Franco-Prussian War
Chair/Discussant: Dr Anna Ross, Associate Professor of Modern European History, University of Warwick 1.

Geopolitics of the Franco-Prussian War – Dr Olivier Zajec, Directeur de l’Institut d’Études de Stratégie et de Défense (IESD), Université Jean Moulin -Lyon III.

The Franco-Prussian War as the ‘Third War of German Unification’ – Professor Geoffrey Wawro, Professor of Military History at the University of North Texas, and Director of the UNT Military History Center

Bismarck, 1870, and the problem of civil-military relations in Germany – Dr Christoph Nübel, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr, Potsdam

European Neutrality and the Isolation of the French Republic, September 1870 to March 1871 – Dr Karine Varley, Lecturer in French, University of Strathclyde Glasgow

11.00 Morning Coffee Break

11.30 Panel 2: The Franco-Prussian War and the forging of modern France
Chair/Discussant: Dr Talita Ilacqua, Deakin Visiting Fellow (University of Oxford)

The Franco-Prussian War and the forging of the French Third Republic – Professor Robert Tombs, Professor of Modern European History, University of Cambridge

Paris Commune – Dr Quentin Deluermoz, Maitre de conférence, Université Paris 1

The Paris Commune and Franco-Prussian War in French Revolutionary Thought – Dr Julia Nicholls, Lecturer in French & European Studies, King’s College London

13.00 Lunch Break

14.00 Panel 3: Fighting the Franco-Prussian War
Chair: Colonel Armel Dirou, Army Attaché, French Embassy to the United Kingdom

Cultures of Violence in the Franco-Prussian War – Professor Mark Hewitson, Professor of German History and Politics, University College London

The consequences of the Franco-Prussian War on the current French political structures – Colenel Armel Dirou, Army Attaché, French Embassy to the United Kingdom

Intelligence in the Franco-Prussian War – Professor Olivier Forcade, Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université

15.30 Afternoon Coffee Break

16.00 Panel 4: The impact of the Franco-Prussian War on military thought
Chair: Professor David Ellery, Professor in Practice in the School of Government and International Affairs, Durham

Foch and the intellectual legacy of the Franco-Prussian war – Dr Guillaume Lasconjarias, Senior Strategic Analyst, French MoD

The Franco-Prussian War and the development of German military thought – Dr Robert Foley, Reader in Defence Studies, Defence Studies Department

The Franco-Prussian War and British military thinking – Dr Robert Johnson, Senior Research Fellow, Pembroke College Oxford

18.00 Virtual Drinks

Friday 7 May 2021

11.00 Opening remarks

11:30 Roundtable: The Continuing significance of the Franco-Prussian War in the History of War
Prof Hew Strachan, Bishop Wardlaw Professor, School of International Relations, St Andrews

Dr Karine Varley, Lecturer in French, University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Dr Julia Nicholls, Lecturer in French & European Studies, King’s College London

Dr Jasper Heinzen, Lecturer in Modern History, University of York

Dr Mareike König, Deputy Director, German Historical Institute Paris


== Programme (PDF):

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redaktionsteam (May 6, 2021). Conference: Reassessing the Franco-Prussian War 150 years on (6-7 May 2021). Guerre franco-allemande / Deutsch-Französischer Krieg 1870/71. Retrieved February 9, 2025 from

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